

Project management

GEPLAN develops its own procedures for coordination and project management through the actions of organization, planning, establishing criteria, priorities, methods and work schedules for the design and compatibility of complementary engineering projects in relation to architectural design.

Quality in Design

Quality control of the process of preparing the project relates to project management and coordination, which are incorporated into management procedures streamlined as well as to provide high productivity and set deadlines and costs.

Project Coordination

Coordination is a management function to be performed in developing the project, in order to ensure the quality of the project as a whole during the process.  This is to ensure that the solutions adopted have been sufficiently comprehensive, integrated and detailed and, after completion of the project, the execution occurs continuously, without interruptions and improvisations.

Planning of Design and Project Development

For each stage of work planned in the GEPLAN’s Project Methodology – Preliminary Study, Draft, Basic Design, Legal Project and Executive Project – it shall be prepared the planning of actions and procedures, defining priorities and information to be obtained and / or raised, determining deliverables and deadlines for its completion.

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